
Walt Custer

Walt Custer is an industry analyst focused on the global electronics industry. Prior to forming his own company, he was Vice President of Marketing and Sales for Morton Electronic Materials, a global supplier of specialty chemicals and process equipment for the PCB industry.

Walt has been a member of the IPC trade organization since 1978 and was an early member of the IPC Technology Marketing Research Council where he was chairman of the data collection committee and a participant in the World Market Statistical Program. He has been vice-chairman of the T/MRC Steering Committee and chairman of the IPC Printed Circuits Expo trade show.  

Walt was a Director of Coretec, Inc. Canada’s largest PCB manufacturer from 2000 until 2010 when it was acquired by DDi.  He is currently a Director and actively involved in EIPC (European PCB trade organization).

Walt received the IPC’s President’s Award in 1992 and the Raymond E. Pritchard Hall of Fame Award in 2001. He was also voted “one of the 10 Most Influential Persons in the PCB industry” for 2000 based upon PC Fab magazine and Atomic29’s global ballot.

Walt & his son Jon are frequent speakers at industry events and also coauthor regular magazine and website articles including weekly “Market Outlook” newsletters and Global SMT & Packaging’s monthly “Business Outlook” column.

Walt holds a B.A. in Chemistry from Fairleigh Dickinson University and an M.S. in Physical Chemistry from Purdue University.

Jonathan Custer-Topai

Jon joined Custer Consulting Group in 2001 and is a global supply chain analyst for the electronics and solar manufacturing industries.  He holds a Bachelor of Science in Marketing and a Bachelor of Science in Business Management with an emphasis on E-Business from the University of Phoenix.  Jon writes a monthly business and economic analysis column for Global Solar Technology magazine and co-authors a monthly column for Global SMT & Packaging magazine.  Jon and his family live in Carmel, Indiana.

Michele Custer